Run Remote Code on Server with pm2

Run Remote Code on Server with pm2 - Simple

There are Broadly two types of code:-

1. CRON based (a code which run itself after sometime continuously)

2. Server based



# Deploying Backend Code


1. Clone the Repository using https.

2. Checkout to your preferable branch.

3. Install all dependencies using npm i

4. Configure pm2 and start the server. 

that's all!


1. git clone "https://......"

2. git checkout "branchName"

3. npm i

4. pm2 start "Entry point file path" --name "server name"
    For example if your entry point file is app.js then the above command will look like - pm2 start app.js --name backend


* Use command pm2 list to track your recently started server and it's pm2 ID.

* Use command pm2 logs "pm2 ID" to check the logs for any error/s.


# Deploying Frontend Code


1. Clone the repository using https.

2. Checkout to your preferable branch

3. Install all dependencies using npm i

4. Run the build version of the code.

That's all! Yes,  No pm2 for frontend



1. git clone "https://......"

2. git checkout "branchName"

3. npm i

4. npm run build



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